Le leader des associations féminines du Burundi


Le Groupe-cible du CAFOB est constitué des associations féminines en tant qu’organisations communautaires qui rassemblent des femmes pour des objectifs et des activités précises. Et, à travers les associations..

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Domaine d'intervention

Les activités du CAFOB s’articulent autour de 5 domaines d’intervention des associations membres à savoir : paix et  réconciliation, la santé et VIH/SIDA,  lutte contre la pauvreté et promotion de l’entreprenariat féminin,  justice,...

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At JoomlaShine.com, we put great efforts in optimizing our templates performance by multiple techniques like image sprites application, clean html code output and now one new step – CSS/JS Compression.

What it does is to combine all CSS/JS files into a single file and deliver it in GZIP compressed state to browser. This feature significantly reduce http request number to server as well as overall loading size, which results in 35% performance boost.

Before enabling CSS/JS compression

Before enabling CSS/JS compression

After enabling CSS/JS compression

After enabling CSS/JS compression

CSS/JS Compression feature is enabled on this demo website. You can check the source code to see how it works.

Custom CSS File(s)

This feature allows you to load multiple custom CSS files among with template default files. This feature is very useful, when you have special dedicated CSS file for content styling.

Custom CSS files are loaded among with other template CSS files

Custom CSS files are loaded among with other template CSS files

Just put custom CSS files to template's CSS folder and define them in template parameter Custom CSS File(s) each file name at a line. If you enable CSS/JS Compression feature, all custom CSS files will be compressed as well.


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